Self Promotion Musings

OK, self promotion is not “my thing”, but I’m trying. I started this blog ages ago, but I still struggle making social media my friend. I like meeting people face-to-face so reaching out to meet new people via the internet feels one-step removed. I know it’s the new way, and I’m learning more about it every week, but I enjoy the chance to sit down with a person and a cup of tea and get to know them. Today’s pace and interconectedness prohibits that so, bear with me as I step into the 21st century social connectivity.

I’ve always felt more comfortable behind the scenes in all forms of work that I take on. Writing continues that placement, but, when I get a book published I need to step-up and market. I started dancing when I was 3, so it is not as if I can’t handle being out front. That’s not the problem at all, in fact I enjoy and feel comfortable speaking with individuals and groups. The problem arises when I am talking about myself as an expert when all I am is me, a wife, mom, writer and retired educator. I do know my subject matter but an expert? That’s a hard one to own.

So, how do you handle being an expert with your books and their content? I’d like to hear your tips. Write your comments below.

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