Researching Details for Books
I have always loved research, but lately it’s become a challenge. Back in the dark ages (when I was in school), I’d go the the library, check out a handful of books and I’d be set to locate the needed details. Computer sites have simplified. intensified and complicated current-day research. These days, possible sites number into the thousands (stars for the wealth of sources) but they also create the problem of who to believe.
Another problem for me, is getting lost in layers of research and finding little rabbit trails that lead me further and further away from my intended search. Also, many of the sites are a ruse that takes me to unrelated businesses that slip into odd categories and act as if they belong. Who’d have suspected that in looking up passenger liners in the late 1950’s that I’d find ads for current day clothing and shoes? Not I.
One of my favorite current-day research tools is You Tube. It allows me to listen to classical ballet music, watch orchestra’s playing the scores and watch dancers of all levels of skills (local recitals to classical ballet companies) performing choreography. Talk about getting lost in my research! I can easily spend an entire day watching and listening to the selections I’m including in book three, Letters to Follow. I’m thinking about listing my preferred viewing resources for readers. What do you think? Would that be of interest to you? Think about it and let me know.
Book three is coming together nicely. Since it is Lynne’s story it will be a different look into ballet. I’m hoping the layout will look different as I tell develop Lynne’s story and tie up the loose ends from books one and two. Book three is a challenge I’m enjoying. As the story grows, I’ll share more of my challenges and some of the crazy research events I’m experiencing so stay tuned!
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