Coming Soon!
Letters to Follow-A Dancer’s Adventure, my last book in the ballet trilogy, is being shipped. That means I’ll soon hold it in my hands and then start planning how to get out the word about it.
It’s much like anything new we start: the anticipation keeps us up nights, the event arrives, and then we must get busy by putting on the finishing touches; in this case sharing/marketing the book.
My favorite way to work is events or chances to talk with readers directly. I can read from the book, answer their questions, and talk about whatever people want to know. It’s a cozy time.
My other ways to contact readers are through reviewers** and bloggers, contacting libraries, writing guest blogs, and handing out my information through post cards, bookmarks, and booklets. My latest booklet mentions all the books in the trilogy. It’s a lovely 20-pages created by Karin Hoffman and myself. If you wish to receive one, or have a friends who’d be interested, just email me or comment here. I’ll slip one in the mail as soon as they arrive from the printer.
Thank you for your continued support. I appreciate your interest in my writings.
** If you’d like to review this latest novel and post your thoughts on Amazon and Goodreads, contact me. I’ll walk you through the process. It only takes maybe 10 minutes to write and post a review. I’d be grateful to you for taking the time to support my latest endeavor.
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