Category: book lists

Writer-y and NaNo Books

Writer-y and NaNo Books

I hope you took advantage of the back-to-school sales just ending. I always look forward to finding new pens and notebooks to refresh my writing times and help get me back into the writing groove. Before NaNoWriMo begins (or as you settle back into fall writing), you might want to ‘shop’ the library and bookstores for books to inspire your writing. Here are a few: On Writing by Stephen King Pencil Dancing by Mari Meisser Elements of Style by Strunk and White Writing Tools: Strategeis for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark The Artists’ Way by Julia Cameron Writing Down...

Wintry Reading

Wintry Reading

As cuddle and cocoa and lap blanket time arrives, take a trip to the picture book section in your public library to read a few wise-beyond-their-age- group books. We often get so deeply into adult fare that we don’t look back to appreciate the children’s books that line those lower shelves, probably near a fish tank and tiny bean bag chairs; maybe beside a puppet stage or a small, low table circled by tiny chairs. Wander the shelves and pick random books, ask the librarian for suggestions, or look up the ALA (American Library Association)  http://www/ala/alsc/awards-grants-nota/ncb for a list of...

Refugee Book List

Refugee Book List

When I was leaving my recent interview with Mary Kay at the Edmonds Bookshop I stopped to survey the front window. Michelle Bear, assistant manager of the bookshop, had arranged a display of books on refugees from around the world. I hurried back inside and asked her if that list would appear on the Edmonds Bookshop website Michelle assured me it could. Two days later she sent me the entire list which I have permission to reprint for your perusal. Thanks, Michelle! the display invited me to read outside my usual genres and was a timely topic. I hope...