Category: computers and internet

Book Trailer for for Ballet Trilogy and Interview with Videographer Emily Hill

Book Trailer for for Ballet Trilogy and Interview with Videographer Emily Hill

Book Trailers are one way authors introduce readers to their books. My dear friend, Emily Hill created a lovely book trailer for my ballet-themed books: 84 Ribbons, When the Music Stops – Dance On, and Letters to Follow – A Dancer’s Adventure. She took my ideas and massaged them into this lovely tribute to ballet. After watching her work, I decided my blog followers might enjoy a peek behind the scenes of how she organized the trailer. Here’s her brief interview. Your book, The Ghost Chaser’s Daughter had an amazing book trailer. When and how did you get started making...

Computers and Internet

Computers and Internet

It’s a love-hate relationship! I love all the (basic) ways I can use them, but when they run into problems (or when I run into problems) I turn to an expert. My web person, Julie, is a true gift. She’s set up and manages my website, helps me add new skills, and lately she’s been the person to rescue me when my website was hacked and rehacked this past month. I have a total awe at what she can do. She knows what an old-lady I am about the bells and whistles online, so she graciously assists me. THIS time,...