Poetry Day is Coming!!

By | March 13, 2016

March 21 is Poetry Day.  Here’s an activity to get you started.

  1. Ask each member of the class (adults and students) to select a short poem that “speaks to them” personally. Ask them to write it out in their best handwriting, sign their name, fold it up and place it in a sealed envelope. The selection needs to be made and written out by March 18th.
  2. Place all the envelopes in a basket and ask students to randomly draw out one envelope.
  3.  Each envelope is opened, one at a time. The poem is read aloud and discussed.
  4.  The person who selected the poem than adds any special or personal reason the poem was selected.
  5.  Extensions: The poems may be used to create a bulletin board, a chapbook, the source of further poetry readings, or photocopied with space for adding individual illustrations as the beginning of an illustrated book of poetry. OR, use the poems to create a class program to share with other classes or family members.

What other activities can you suggest?