Welcome to Paddy Eger’s Educational Resources portion of the website!
This portion of my website is designed to support: Teachers, para educators, community assistants/volunteers, parents, and people interested in education, schools, and classrooms.
As a former teacher and volunteer in classrooms, I realize the value extra hands bring to our schools. Recently I’ve upgraded many of e-materials and books to Actively Ignite. Visit my shop to browse:
** Actively Ignite your Classroom with 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants (formerly entitled Educating America: 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants in K-8 Classrooms)
** Educating America Desktop Flipbook
** Actively Ignite: Getting Started: A Teacher’s Planning Guide for Including Adult Asssistants (formerly entitled Educating America Getting Started: A Teacher’s Planning Guide)
** 98 Individual and Partner Skill Building Math Games (ages 7-12) with 4 skill levels: easy, moderate, more difficult and varied using basic math materials.
I also invite you to:
- Discover my classroom units for writing, math terms, geography, and weather (grade 3+).
- Read my previously published blogs and newsletters which still contain valuable ideas.
- Download (free) resources.
- Checkout available speaker topics.
- Checkout my award-winning fiction books and other materials.
If I can assist you, your classroom, your school, or homeschool group,please contact me through this website (www.paddyeger.com) or my email (PaddyEger@aol.com). Bulk orders of 10+ books and materials are available at a discount. Check the Resources page for Speaking, Workshops and Training information.
Teachers are experts at creating strong, independent, capable students. With our help, they can reach more students each day as we work together to build a world class education system!
A Voice for Volunteerism