About Paddy Eger

authorphotoPaddy Eger, veteran primary teacher from the Edmonds School District 15 in Washington state, participates in classrooms as a community volunteer and a parent trainer.

Her years in the PCEP, the Parent Cooperative Education Program, as a successful teacher and trainer, created the foundation for her award-winning book, Educating America: 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants in K-8 Classrooms and it’s companion, Educating America Desktop Flipbook. All the suggestions in her books are based on educationally sound, day-to-day practices used by Paddy, other teachers, parent helpers, and adult assistants.

Training adult assistants and being a classroom volunteer is an important part of Paddy’s life. Since high school she has found time to volunteer with groups and work behind the scenes helping others reach their goals. Her experiences include assisting young dancers, mentoring in youth programs, planning new teacher orientations, working on district committees, and leading adult assistant classes throughout western Washington.

Presenting to large groups comes naturally. From the age of three, she performed in musicals and dance programs; through high school and college she led various service groups. In recent years she’s lead numerous training classes for teachers and adult volunteers and consulted on ways to improve existing programs. Through her books and training of volunteers, adults become enthusiastic, competent classroom assistants committed to helping students grow and learn.

On the lighter side, Paddy used her dancing experience to encourage fellow teachers to step-up and perform dance routines in their school talent shows. She choreographed and led them through the steps. They danced to the audiences laughter and delight. Over time, the dancing teachers forgave her.

Paddy graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in elementary education. Her interest in teaching began in sixth grade when she ‘taught’ spelling to her classmates. The planning and sharing of information hooked her. From that spring day forward, she never wavered from wanting to become a teacher.

Her dedication to children and her profession has resulted in her receiving two awards during her teaching years: a PTA Golden Acorn and a Teacher of the Month from her local educational association. Today her highest reward occurs when adults read her books, attend her workshops, and are inspired to step forward to become active volunteers.

In her free time, Paddy enjoys writing children’s books, reading, editing others writing, and creating fiber art. She continues to walk an imaginary perimeter of the USA. Thinking about our vast country helps her ignore those wet, drizzly, western Washington days.