Other Writing Undertakings

With so many genre possibilities for writing it’s hard to narrow my interests, so, I haven’t yet. While my primary fiction interests are young adult stories, I dabble in other genres as well.


Family remembrances play an important part in family history. Changes over the decades are important to remember. My recollections of growing up in Bremerton form the basis for Small Town Girl, a series of short stories about everything from clothespin tents to 33 1/3 records and summer vacations. This look back to the 1940s and early 1950s is revised and available on Amazon.

Children’s Books

The five chapter books of Adventures with Anna Mak, are completed and published. Join Anna, primary age girl who sees the world through her own lens. Follow this bouncy, independent young girl. Laugh at her misunderstandings, Enjoy her curious nature. Learn how she handles problems in her unique way.

Sonnets for Ambrosia???