Tag Archives: communication

Special Offers for Teachers, Classrooms, and Parents

The school year is winding down for most educators. Hopefully this has been a great year with tons of student success and limited teacher stress. Before you step away for your much deserved summer break, I want to offer you opportunities to consider: FREE Summer math packets for K-2 or 3-5 grades FREE math games… Read More »

Parent Guide to Student Success ( by the end of Grade 3)

Lots happens between kindergarten and third grade: students learn to read and write, develop basic math skills and become independent learners. So, what do these look like?? Here are a few details to look at when deciding if a child is ‘at grade level’. Of course, we all learn at different pacesm, but these are… Read More »

Student Self-Checking Work Chart

Here’s one brief way a student can assess their personal organization and productivity for school or homework. Before I begin my work: What are my tasks for today? What questions do I still have about my task before I start? Where can I find answers? What help do I need from adults? (supplies?  resources? thinking… Read More »

5 R's for Engaging Young Kids in Learning

At home, school, church, or a club or group, consider including these five ideas when working with young children. Read aloud to promote imagination and word skills. Rhyme (plus talk, sing, and play together) to develop language skills. Routines develop independence and help kids be part of the family, school classrooms and beyond. Recognition not… Read More »

Hot and Cold Thinking: Part One

Search-Institute.org is a great site for ideas on working with kids. In their latest article they mentioned what they call HOT and COLD thinking. They call thinking ‘hot’ when it is energized and enthusiastic. ‘Cold’ thinking includes reflective notions such as analyzing and integrating ideas. As teachers, assistants and parents, we can help students develop… Read More »

Parent Reminders

As the school year begins, consider this checklist for working with your school-age children. 1. Chores. Give kids doable, significant chores. Expect those chores be done on time and as completely as possible. 2. Backpacks. Kids can pack, unpack and repack their own backpacks if you show them when, where and how you want it… Read More »


Well-trained classroom assistants become a vital part of your classroom. They bring extra help, energy and enthusiasm as a well as extra hands interested in helping students. Remember T.E.A.C.H. as you work with them. T. Train assistants and Thank them daily. Take the time to observe their interactions with students and adults in the classroom.… Read More »