Interviewing Author Laura Moe


I met Laura Moe when I became part of EPIC, a writing support group for authors around the area. She’s an organized, friendly YA author that has written an amazing current-day story everyone interested in teens will enjoy reading. Here’s part of her personal ‘story’. Enjoy getting to know Laura.


Tell us about yourself.

Ack! I’m not that interesting! My idea of a wild party is curling with a good book.

What attracted you to teach and write for teens?

The bulk of my teaching career I worked with high school aged students. They look like adults, yet inside there’s still a vulnerable child.

Share your preferred writing schedule and where you like to work.

Even though I’m not a morning person, (ask any of my former colleagues and principals) I write better in the am hours. Usually between 9-1 pm. And most often away from home. My favorite writing hangout is the Aloha Cafe in Lynnwood. The atmosphere isn’t as frenetic as Starbucks, and they have good coffee and sandwiches and reasonable prices. Plus many of their tables are close to plugs. I also will occasionally write in the Cafe Louvre in Edmonds.

What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most, research or refining you story?

I like each part for different reasons. There’s an endorphin rush in “pantsing” your way through a story, meeting the characters and discovering the storyline. But the writing itself is almost always abysmal. In the revision process I like to refine my diction and syntax and deepen the story. This is also where I incorporate research.

Research is a joy to me. I love finding out more than I need to know.

I loved reading Breakfast with Neruda. The characters felt real and the subject matter you addressed is certainly a current topic of interest to teens as well as adult readers. What drew you to write the book and how does the title relate to the story you tell?

Thank you so much. Most of my teaching career I spent in Southeastern Ohio, which is technically part of Appalachia. Over the years I encountered many students who faced the same challenges Michael does (mother is a hoarder, he lives in his car.) Publishing is now open to diverse stories, and even though the characters are white, poverty is a diversity issue.

I struggled with the title. It had been called something different in each draft. I like a title that has levels of meaning, and since the two primary characters often eat breakfast together and they both love Neruda’s poetry, it just made sense.

What type of character do you most enjoy writing about?

Ones with flaws.

What projects do you have in the works?

I began working on a new novel when Michael and Shelly from BWN appeared in my dreams and fed me new stories, so….it will be a three book arc.

What’s on your reading shelf?

My shelves are eclectic. My tastes tend to run to literary, yet I occasionally enjoy a good ‘beach read.’ For example, one of the authors I recently interviewed penned a delightful book called Zombie Abby. It’s as if Downton Abby met The Walking Dead. Lots of cheeky humor.

In addition, I have many writing books. Even though I’ve been writing for many years, I need to be reminded of how little I know.

Over recent years you have interviewed a wide variety of authors on your Facebook channel Young Adult Cafe with Laura Moe. What inspired you to host a channel on Authors on the Air Global Radio Network?

I was approached by the producer of the network after one of her hosts interviewed me on the air. She needed a host who specialized in the YA market. Each time I interview a new author I feel I’ve made a new friend. Writing is a lonely business. Our friends and families don’t mind that we write, but they don’t like to “talk writing,” so the weekly show gives me a chance for shop talk.

How may people contact you to learn more about you and your writings?

My website is
I’m also on twitter and Instagram @Lauramoewriter
Facebook as Laura Moe writer and The Young Adult Cafe

What other information would you like to share with us today? (maybe about your other interests, hobbies, your cat, planned trips, groups you work with and support)

I love foreign films and British TV. I also love visiting the ocean. In a perfect world I’d have an ocean view penthouse in Oahu.

******          ******

Thanks, Laura. I appreciate your taking the time to help us get to know you!

Check out Laura’s book. Tune in to her weekly Young Adult Cafe guests. It’s an excellent ways to learn even more about Laura, writing, and her amazing list of author guests.



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1 Response

  1. Behind the Story says:

    Thanks, Paddy for a great interview. I enjoyed getting to know Laura better. I didn’t know that Breakfast with Neruda was going to be a three-book arc.

    It’s cool that you get ideas in your dreams … and that you remember them when you wake up.