Monthly Archive: October 2016

Unusual Book Styles

Unusual Book Styles

You may read a lot and have found many of these unusual ways authors share their stories. If not, be aware that all books are not straight forward. Here are a few tricks that may entice you or, if you are unaware of what is being done, these methods may cause you to close the books or even toss them across the room in mild anger. **  Books with no paragraph separation **  Entire books in poetic form (E Hopkins) **  Books with excessive punctuation (E.E.Cummings) **  Books without quotation marks to alert you to who is speaking (C. McCarthy)...

Ways to Support Authors

Ways to Support Authors

Author’s are chatty people. I’m no exception. The following  suggestions are ideas on how you can support us as we strive to introduce ourselves to ever-widening circles of readers.  Invite us to: * speak at your local bookstore *  speak at your local library *  speak at a school in your area *  join your book club meeting *  attend a meet and greet in your home or at an informal luncheon *  speak with a professional organization where you’re a member We are often available *  in person *  via Skype, FaceTime, or other interactive internet resources You can...

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Letters to Follow-A Dancer’s Adventure, my last book in the ballet trilogy, is being shipped. That means I’ll soon hold it in my hands and then start planning how to get out the word about it. It’s much like anything new we start: the anticipation keeps us up nights, the event arrives, and then we must get busy by putting on the finishing touches; in this case sharing/marketing the book. My favorite way to work is events or chances to talk with readers directly. I can read from the book, answer their questions, and talk about whatever people want to...