Sonnet Treasures from the Past

Cleaning can lead to unforseen treasures. Several years ago, tucked away in my hope chest, I found a small cloth-covered book inherited through my father. The battered book had loose pages, long broken away from their binding. Inside I found beautiful, script-written sonnets and love poems written by Herman Young,my grandfather.

Herman died decades before my birth. I don’t remember seeing his photo or hearing anyone talk about his personality. I always assumed the Augustana Luthern minister to be a tight-lipped father of 5 who kept busy with parishioners. I pictured him in profile, quiet and serious; probably sporting a moustache or beard.

Having read his impressive number of missives, I find myself visualizing him in a different light. The man was a romantic. His sonnets express love, dreams and angst. I wish I had met him; I doubt those qualities were visible to any save his wife, until now.

A couple of years ago I turned his sonnets into a small volume printed at Third Place Books expresso press. The printer took great pains to emulate the original cover. I applaud his efforts.  Since then, I’ve had many people comment on the quality of his writing. He truly was a great poet. I’m glad his work is now in a form that can be shared by more than his surviving family.

If you wish to purchase his book of poetry entitled, Sonnets for Ambrosia, please contact me directly through this blog and my website, or purchase it from Third Place Books.

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