Day 35 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Ballet Movies

Since 1948  ballet-themed movies and movies with a significant  numbers of dances in them have become a small sub-genre of movies. Here are a few of note:

1.  Red Shoes (1948)

2.  American in Paris (1951)

3.  West Side Story (1961)

4.  Turing Point ( 1977)

5.  Nijinsky (1980)

6.  The Company ( 2003)

7.  Mao’s Last Dancer (2009)

8.  Black Swan (2010)

Which, if any of these movies, left positive and lasting images that shared true dance expertise?

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1 Response

  1. West Side Story is my #1. I remember every scene, every song. I loved the dancing on the rooftop for “America.”