Compare and Contrast Words

Using compare/contrast can amp up your writing. Here’s lists of words to use when you want to express:

COMPARE                            CONTRAST                           BOTH in 1 work:

alike                                         different                                  by the same token

both                                         differ                                       conversely

same                                        unalike                                     rather

similar                                      not alike                                  but

likeness                                    difference                                likewise          

in common                              on the other hand                   

similarly                                   however         

in comparison  to                     although

as well as                                 in contrast to

in a like manner                       while

also                                          despite

comparatively                          nevertheless

in the same way                      still another

most important                        although

                                                compared with                                               


                                                less than

                                                more than


                                                rather than



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