Day 38 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: (answers)
Here are the short answers to the French terms listed yesterday. For longer answers, check ballet terminology online.
1. allegro – rapid movements accompanied by jumps, turns, etc.
2. pas de deux – a dance done by two people (usually a man and a woman)
3. tour en l’air – complete turns executed in the air
4. balance’ – a waltz-like step where the weight is shifted from one foot to the other
5. bourre’ – a traveling foot movement of tiny steps on releve’ beginning in fifth position
6. glissade – gliding steps performed to prepare for a leap
7. grand battement – a high (grand) kick with a straight leg
8. re’verence’ – a deep bow or curtsy
9. passe’ – the working leg (with a pointed toe) passes from in front to in back of the other leg
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