Day 48 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Secrets

Writing from experience means turning bits and pieces of your real life into a fictionalized scene. All writers use their life details as jumping off points. It may be closely related to an actual event or it may spring from an idea that circles a real event and grows to be its own, imagined but almost real event. It’s difficult to know sometimes, even for the author.

Fact: Like Marta I had a difficult time in school learning to read.  Merged Fact & Fiction: While Marta struggled in school and saw no hope of going to college, I didn’t. I circumvented that problem and became a strong student as well as a school leader.

Fact: Marta and I took dance lessons in Bremerton near Callow Avenue. We had supportive instructors. Merged Fact and Fiction: Marta avoided school in favor of dancing. I loved school and found dancing as the only other thing that mattered


Writers have lots of secrets that make appearances in their writing.  Then again, readers attribute scenes in stories to actual events or real people, but they never really know which is which unless they were involved in a particular event? Are there scenes in 84 Ribbons that you believe are real life turned to fiction? Write your thought in a comment to this blog post and I’ll tell you if you found a real experience or not.

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1 Response

  1. your personalities seem to be similar–just something I felt.