Day 79 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Ballet History

So, ballet started in the 16th Century. It began as a social court dance then became a specialized career and grew to include women. Early music was classical with music written specifically written for ballets. Since early on, choreography stressed flexibility, rhythmic flow and beautiful lines of movement. In modern ballets the emphasis often shifts to expressing more theatrical and less fluid movements which no longer adhere to the classic forms.

Which is best? Classical or modern? It would be as if we tried to compare driving cars with baking a cake: there are similarities of course, but the differences are what make each one special. If you are like me and enjoy traditional ballets, I urge you to attend modern/contemporary ballet programs and give those performers a chance to win you over. All dancers strive to share a story or specific movements with you, the audience. Why can’t a bent knee and a bent foot be beautiful? Let yourself explore the many worlds of ballet. You’ll find new meaning in human movement.

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1 Response

  1. love the story it tells