Why Write a Book Series?

People ask that question often. My answers are usually the same: I like my characters and they have more to share than will fit in one book. Also I enjoy following characters in books I read beyond more than one experience. For example, Howard Fast wrote a sage about a family across several generations. If you like l-o-n-g series there are others that stretch on and on, but Marta’s characters are not letting that happen. They will give me one more book after When the Music Stops which is Letters to Follow, and then I need to butt out of their lives and let them live in peace.

Several tricks crop up in writing a series. Slipping in the back story without boring former readers but providing enough for new readers takes a sleight of hand. When you read When the Music Stops I hope you will let me know if I hit the balance so that 84 Ribbons character introductions and obstacles are addressed but don’t beat you over the head with their presence. Another trick is to keep the intensity level the same as the first book (or stronger) and provide enough new problems to hold readers’ interests. Again, I hope you will let me know if I succeed.

All that said, I’m looking for advance readers; people who want to read the story and write reviews on the book as a stand alone as well as book two in the series. Interested? Contact me soon. I’ll fill you in on the details.

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