Part THREE: Sending the Book Forward (publisher and printer)

My publisher, Tendril Press, is called a small press. It produces about a dozen books a year. I’m lucky enough to have extra support as well as input with regard to book title, character names, and cover details as well as final approval of the almost finished book.

The publisher, Karin Hoffman, is also a graphic artist. She’s the one who designs the cover, the page details, etc that I feel sets my book apart from mass marketed books. She does the final layout then sends it to me one last time for my read-through and final approval. After that, the mistakes are mine. Once the book heads to the printer. If I’ve missed glitches it’s too late for changes. And, yes, 84 Ribbons had a small handful of mistakes that I know about and wish I’d caught.

The printer puts the book in the queue of books they are printing. Once it reaches the top it takes about a month to get a book on the press and printed. Delivery of the books adds another week to the process. That’s when I stand at the window, waiting for my copies to be delivered. The process is completed. NOT TRUE!

Next time I’ll explain how I learned that getting the printed book in my hands is only the first step in the most important processes of getting reviews and marketing.


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