Name that Character – Receive a Special Prize

How well do you know the characters in 84 Ribbons? Can you guess their names from these clues?

1. I’ve lived in Billings all my life. My father runs the local paper. I used to think of myself as a ladies man until I met Marta. Who am I?

2. I have also lived in Billings all my life. I work in the local oil refinery office. I have opened my home to boarders. Who am I?

3. My best friend is Marta. She’s a real over achiever when it comes to ballet. I work at it, but I also like my social life. Who am I?

4.  Corps dancers can be difficult to work with. They think they know a lot. Some do, but I’ve been in their shoes so I  know they have a lot to learn. Maybe I’m losing my patience! Who am I?

5.  Dancers are like fine porcelain; you need to treat them gently if you want them to give you their best. I love to teach, but I also love to create new choreography. Who am I?


How about the characters in book two When the Music Stops-Dance On? Can you guess their names from these clues?

A.  I’ve taught dance classes in Bremerton for almost a dozen years. Now I’m making several changes. Who am I?

B. Marta is a great addition to our community theatre. She sews, creates dances and helps in the office. Who am I?

C. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll get a second chance at love in my life. My first true love is gone. Then I met Marta. Could she be the new love of my life?

D. This town. What a bunch of hicks. They don’t realize Rosalia’s talent, but I’ll show them!

E. I love Bremerton! It’s a great change of pace from being on the road with my band, plus the people help each other when they need it.

Send me you guesses. I’ll send you are special surprise, one that won’t be released to anyone else until next month!  Deadline: August 25th, midnight PDT. Be sure to send me your physical mailing address.

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