Write on the Sound Conference
Writers never stop looking for ways to improve their writing. One such way is conferences. Our local conference, Write on the Sound, is a perfect place to gain ideas and techniques while meeting with fellow writers. And, as good fortune would have it, we had a perfect weekend of weather, classes, and vistas from the Plaza Room at Edmond’s Francis Anderson Center (formerly the place where I began my teaching career half a century ago). Ouch. that sounds ancient; maybe it is!
The conference strictly showcases writers as presenters with no agents or publishers making presentations. Listening to fellow writers who’ve gone on to become experts is exciting. They’ve honed their craft, found great notions to share and inspire the rest of us to keep writing. Some cover writing tricks, ways to build characters, and strengthen our settings. Other talk about editing and marketing books and ourselves once our books are ready to step into the world. There truly is something for everyone.
As you can see, it wasn’t ALL work. We had the opportunity to enjoy a chance to eat with fellow writers before attending the Saturday keynote speaker. That fellowship with writers is another special feature at WOTS. It’s small enough and casual enough (thanks to the planning committee) to strike up conversations with others between sessions.
I always come away jazzed about writing but also buried in ideas and techniques to use. For this conference year I focused on characterization classes in an effort to keep my various character’s distinct. Luckily for me the conference had multiple classes that shared use of body language, creating obstacles and real or imagined risks for characters, applying the Myers-Briggs personality types, and on and on.
Now I’m sorting through ideas, picking and choosing the ones that match my writing style and direction in hopes of making my pending book characters stronger. I know you’ll let me know if I’ve succeeded once Letters to Follow is finished and goes into production, probably next spring. Until then, keep reading. If you have time I’d appreciate your finishing the following sentences: (1) Marta’s strongest trait is her ___________________________. (2) Marta needs to grow her ability to ____________________________.
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