Writing Directions – What’s Next??
Lately writing has been like a slowly circling wind of uncertainty. Maybe it’s because of my spending 15 years glued to my computer chair writing stories, blogs and math games or maybe it’s because the burning stories have been shared and I’m looking for new writing adventures. I’m not feeling nearly as intense about writing as I did over the past two decades.
So what’s next for me and writing? I’ve already finished my brief memoir (Small Town Girl). I’ve evaluated my 100+ poems and found those worth saving that I plan to enter into gifted journal books over the summer. I’ve refocused my office into a writing retreat with the help of my family’s muscles and painting skills and found that I didn’t really need so many books I planned-to-read languishing on my shelves. I’ve attended two writing classes, looking for clues about where to head next and I’ve gotten a few wisps of ideas. So what’s next?
I hate to admit it, but I think James Clavell’s saga has taken a back seat with regard to my grandiose reading goal. Once fall returns and it’s time to curl up to read and nap I’ll try to get back to the small print and endless battles. (I have them stacked in a place where I see them daily but I’m able to bypass them much too easily these days.)
Anna Mak has been shoved aside for years. Her little girl stories are my immediate goal. I want to edit them and find a home for them to maybe be shared with a world greater than my computer screen. I’ll continue to create math games for K-6 classes and look for publishing them on Teachers Pay Teachers. I’d like to pursue another YA novel, but the current time and circumstances are not quite right so that’s a ‘someday’. I’ll continue my Writing and Educating America blogs, work in third grade, write with seniors and hope that the circling winds will bring me new, can’t-be-ignored inspiration.
News Flash: I’ve taken on a new writing cause: NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Since the local writing support organization is just that, writing support, I’ve taken on organizing events in the Edmonds area. The public library is a co-sponsor and we are using the library and the Plaza Room for events. It’s exciting to hope writers from this area (and even those at a distance) might support our attempt by writing their 1500 words each day of November and sharing their final count with me so I can share that with the EPIC and local writing communities. More on this venture coming soon in my blogs.
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