


I have a wonderful friend I’ve never met face-to-face. Her name is Julie; she’s my web and product designer. I met her through Tendril Press where my books and materials are designed. Most Mondays at 6 AM I have a conversation with her. Some are five minutes; some are longer, especially when we get talking about her other business: creating handbags for Allison Clothing Company, a shop in West Reading, PA (also online) or when we start comparing who’s got the worst weather. (Her winters win every time!) I feel indebted to Julie for her patience.  As she finishes one...

What Colors Rule Your World This Day?

What Colors Rule Your World This Day?

Color: the presence of life as seen through different lenses. Each day we select the way we’ll see our world. The following quotes provide different views/moods/images within a story.   The brilliant sun had disappeared, its last flickering rays painting the rim of the sky with liquid crimson, bleeding into saffron and amethyst and the palest lilac before dropping down behind the dim horizon. The Women in His Life by B.T. Bradford p.167   The mist enclosed them, making straight-ahead visibility almost non-existent. Up above was another story; the fog was pinned to the rivers and lagoons, barely higher than...

A Special Interview with Author Jade-Rose Staletia

A Special Interview with Author Jade-Rose Staletia

I’m happy to have the opportunity to introduce you to Jade. I met her at my 84 Ribbons book signing at Kitsap Mall last year. She won the prize of naming a character in book 2 of my ballet trilogy. I thank her for giving me Lily Rose Costello to be Marta’s friend in When the Music Stops-Dance On. Now, let’s meet her. Tell us about yourself (your background, schooling, hobbies and interests). I’m almost seventeen. I was born October 1st 1998. My dad is American and my mom is French. I like cars, dolls, history and to collect things....

Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland

Once every decade or so, a super talented dancer comes along and takes the ballet world by storm. Currently she’s Misty Copeland, the thirty-two year old dancer just named as a principal for the American Ballet Theatre. The fact that she is an African-American is highlighted but, her raw talent is the true measure of her success. Like every über successful performer she’s become an overnight sensation. Of course it took her nearly twenty years to attain that status! She wasn’t all dancer to the exclusion of high school like many dancers seem to be. She kept her life in...

Remember the Good Reads Giveaway!

Remember the Good Reads Giveaway!

There is still time to enter the Goodreads giveaway for a chance to win a free paperback copy of When the Music Stops-Dance On. It’s easy: Goodreads Book Giveaway When the Music Stops by Paddy Eger Giveaway ends July 31, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway I  like to include a little surprise when I mail books to the winners! The Giveaway ends July 31st. Please, share this information with your friends who love stepping back to the last 1950s and who enjoy a ballet-themed stories.

When the Music Stops is Now Available

When the Music Stops is Now Available

I’m excited to let you know When the Music Stops-Dance On, book two in the ballet trilogy, is now available online and directly through me or my publisher, Tendril Press. As soon as the book distributors (who service your favorite bookshops) agree to add the book to their catalogs and lists, When the Music Stops-Dance On will be available everywhere. Currently it is available from Amazon. Feel free to ask your favorite bookseller to order you a copy. If you order more than 8 copies of the book, contact me directly for a bulk discount. I’ll add a surprise and...

Even New York Times Authors Write Wrong

Even New York Times Authors Write Wrong

I have several favorite contemporary authors I enjoy when I read to escape for awhile. Recently I read a book by a well-known NYTimes author and almost choked on one of her glitchy sentences. See what you think. (The following is one sentence with the character names changed to protect that author from embarrassment as she writes another 2-3 books before the end of the year.) She walked out to get the phone, and heard, as she assured Hannah the baby was fine, was sleeping like an angel, had been no trouble at all, the front door close behind him....

Formal Interview about When the Music Stops

Formal Interview about When the Music Stops

In addition to reviews by readers, authors seek out bloggers and other authors to interview them. The following is one such interview. Please feel free to share it with your friends. The following interview posted by blogger Anna Swenda through NetGalley is a formal interview. (https:// Posted on June 1, 2015 by Anna E Summer has become synonymous with reading and author interviews it seems. I am so excited to finally be interviewing and including West Coast author Paddy Eger to the group! PE– Paddy Eger    AS– Anna Swenda AS– I am so excited to finally be interviewing...

Writing a Pain-Free Review

Writing a Pain-Free Review

Author are needy people. We seek validation from our critique groups, mentors and our readers. I know, that’s almost pathetic isn’t it? Why do authors seek validation? We work to create interesting stories, but without comments (reviews) we don’t know if we’ve succeeded. That’s where you come in. We hope what we write strikes a favorable chord inside you. That it informs or entertains, startles or amuses you and leaves you feeling satisfied. But, what should a reader mention in a review? (Please read to the end for a suggestion to ease any stress this section stirs up inside you.)...

After A Book is Printed

After A Book is Printed

Now the author can relax? Right? Nope. By the time a book is published, the author should be deep into marketing the book. How else will anyone know it’s out there waiting to be read? Are people sharing my bookmarks and information with others? Only if I make them and myself available. Most authors wish they could wiggle their noses and…poof…the world would know about the book, be rushing out to buy it, and be writing reviews. After all we’re one of only 300,000 books (or more) published each year in the U.S. Why wouldn’t everyone know about our fresh...