
Day74 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Kid Questions

Day74 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Kid Questions

After doing workshops and speaking to kids, I jotted down some of their questions. Many mirror adult questions but some are quite unique. Here’s a sampling. ** What’s your favorite thing about writing fiction? ** What motivates you to write? ** How do you start a story? ** How do you get ideas for writing books? ** How do you revise a character without changing the whole story? ** How do you feel after you publish a novel? ** How do you go from a poem to a novel (referencing Tasman) ? ** How much time does it take to write...

Day 73 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Event

Day 73 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Event

Saturday, a lovely sunny day in western WA was also a lovely day for a book signing. Young dancers and writers, adults and book readers attended the Barnes and Noble event at Kitsap Mall. We talked about writing, ballet and 84 Ribbons. A young dancer, Christina attended and answered questions as well. Many thanks to those who took time from their busy day to join me, take part in drawings and purchase books I had fun and hope my guests did as well. The more days after today and the 84 Days of 84 Ribbons will end. My Marta blogs...

Day 72 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Event Follow-up

Day 72 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Event Follow-up

Friday I attended the Cedar Valley Career Day for students grades 4-6. It provided an opportunity to talk about being a writer and writing. I teamed up with a translator and an Amazon editor. Both had great info for the kids of potential careers. Together we share the importance of school, being organized and finding things that interest you as starting places for potential ‘jobs’. Today I’ll enjoy my book event at the Barnes and Noble in Silverdale at the Kitsap Mall. Old home week being back near Bremerton where I grew up. Haven’t moved far from that family home...

Day 71 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Value of ‘The Arts’ in Education

Day 71 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Value of ‘The Arts’ in Education

Do The Arts in Education matter? Personally I believe they are invaluable. Luckily I am not alone in that belief. Educators and brain researchers agree; the arts play an important part in the total education of individuals. Here are a few facts and my personal notes: 1.  The arts improve motivation, concentration, confidence and teamwork. 2.  The arts develop the sense of community, personal  their values and human connections. 3.  The arts are associated with educational gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking and verbal skills. 4.  The arts aid students on achievement tests by developing their creativity and...

Day 70 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Career Day

Day 70 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Career Day

Tomorrow is Career Day at Cedar Valley Community School. I’ve been invited to join a panel for a second year to speak to writing and being an author. I’ve decided to  bring a poster with a skeleton to remind the students that writing needs a framework (skeleton) to give a story shape. My handout will share the other stages of organizing for writing: the skin (problem) and clothing (details). It’s a simple but memorable graphic that I hope will stick with the kids. If you’d like the details and a copy of my handout, send me a note via a...

Day 69 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Marta

Day 69 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Marta

On Day 53 I asked you to to tell me what traits you found in Marta as you read 84 Ribbons. We covered traits from A-H. Now lets finish the alphabet of traits and consider I-W. Feel free to add your own ideas as well.   A. inconsistency          B. impatience          C.  insecurity          D.  jealousy          E.  loneliness          F.  love          G.  nostalgia          H.  panic          I. peacefulness          J.  pride          K.  regret...

Day 68 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: You’re Invited

Day 68 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: You’re Invited

You are cordially invited to join me Saturday, May 31st at the Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, WA for a book event. I’ll be there from 2-3 PM talking about 84 Ribbons, sharing info about writing, Marta and dancing as well as signing books. There will be drawings for gifts as well as lots of free ‘stuff’. Hope to see you! If you live outside the area of the book event, send me a note and I’ll be glad to send you my free materials. And, if you have a book club or a group that wants to Skype me for...

Day 67 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Tribute

Day 67 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Tribute

Today is Memorial Day. Take a moment to honor those who have gone before,  given up their day-to-day lives, to defend the United States and others against forces that would destroy democracy and human rights. We remember and appreciate your service

Day 66 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons:  Top 10 Ballet Companies

Day 66 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Top 10 Ballet Companies

Based on their levels of performance and the quality of the actual company, these are commonly considered the World’s Top 10 Ballet Companies. Notice the longevity of these cultural icons. ** American Ballet Theatre founded in 1940 in New York City **  New York City Ballet trains its own dancers and creates its own works **  San Francisco Ballet founded in 1933 is USA’s oldest company and the third largest **  Boston Ballet founded in 1963 **  National Ballet of Canada founded in 1951 and based in Toronto **  La Scala founded in 1813 and associated with  La Scala Theatre (1778) in Italy...

Day 65 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Q&A #3

Day 65 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Q&A #3

  1. Do you see yourself in any of the characters in 84 Ribbons? Bits and pieces of me are in what I write. I share a love of family time, ballet and trips to the mountains as my protagonist, Marta, loves as well. For a while I was like her in that I used our family’s garage for practicing since we had no car until I was ten years old. I also danced around in the family living room and performed for myself and the gold gilt mirror. I see Lynne, Marta’s best friend as my alter ego. She’s able...