
Day 13: 84 Days of 84 Ribbons    Ballet Truths-Life Truths

Day 13: 84 Days of 84 Ribbons Ballet Truths-Life Truths

Melanie Doskcil wrote an interesting blog post on her Ballet Pages listing ballet truths. These two universal truths caught my eye. 1. You won’t always get what you want. Whether it’s roles in ballet, hearing compliments, getting promotions or being part of the perfect group, it may or may not ever happen. But, if we do our best, practice, listen to advice and accept that others might know more than we do, we’ll be in a better place to succeed. Because, if we do nothing we’ll get nothing.   2.  You’ll never feel 100% ready. Regardless of how much we...

Day 12 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons : Trivia Quiz Answers

Day 12 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons : Trivia Quiz Answers

Answers to yesterday’s 5 trivia questions: 1.  What is the international language of ballet?   French 2.  What does ‘turnout’ mean?  the outward rotation of a dancer’s hips 3.  What is the purpose of a barre?  to support a dancer during warm-up exercises 4.  What is the term to describe a ballet enthusiast?  balletomane 5.  What is a pas de deux?  a dance for two people

Day 11 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Ballet Trivia

Day 11 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons: Ballet Trivia

Test your basic ballet knowledge on these 5 questions. 1.  What is the international language of ballet? 2.  What does ‘turnout’ mean? 3.  What is the purpose of the barre? 4.  What is the term used to describe a ballet enthusiast? 5.  What is a pas de deux? Answers tomorrow.  

Day 10 of 84 Days for 84 Ribbons: Why I Write

Day 10 of 84 Days for 84 Ribbons: Why I Write

Have you ever had an itch that needed scratching? No matter what you did to distract yourself, it still itched? That’s how I feel about writing. In fact, that sentiment is inscribed on the cover of my media kit: “Stories come to me like an itch: they refuse to leave until I promise to scratch around for their meaning and write them down.” While some people are compelled to run, compete in sporting events or meet the challenge of the New York Times crossword puzzle, I write. I’ve tried not to write but after a couple of days I need...

Day 9 of 84 Days of Ribbons: Backstory

Day 9 of 84 Days of Ribbons: Backstory

In her book, Between The Lines, Jessica Page Morrell says,”Backstory illuminates the origin of behaviors and motives, especially those tied into the main conflict. ( p. 18) I agree. As authors we lay down subtle suggestions and reactions to fill in gaps and lead readers to conclusions. Sometimes it is hard to not share those details. I have two such chapters that wouldn’t stay out of my brain. After I wrote 84 Ribbons, I went back and wrote two backstory pieces to explain two recurring actions by Marta: Jonas: The Day Marta’s World Changed and Steve’s First Ballet. I hope...

Day 8 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons : The Ribbons

Day 8 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons : The Ribbons

Ribbons. Pointe shoes have two satin ribbons attached to near the ankle bones, one on each side of the shoe. Dancers add their own ribbons. The colors chosen match the color of the pointe shoes. The shoes can be dyed any color needed to match the costume. If a dancer in 2014 were to save her ribbons, she’d have a wide variety of colors in her ribbon box. In Marta’s era those two ribbons were principally pink to match the shoes as they arrived from the manufacturer. Dancers must be careful to not stitch into the drawstring around the top...

Day 6 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons – Famous Ballerinas

Day 6 of 84 Days of 84 Ribbons – Famous Ballerinas

We often remember the lovely ladies in beautiful costumes more than we remember their male counterparts. So, here’s a test:  Name five internationally known or well-known ballerinas who’ve achieved fame. I’ll give you one: Maria Tallchief. That leave four others for you to select. If you send me your list through the Chat, Comment and Connect on my website ( I’ll send you ballet-themed note cards for your efforts. I’ll compile the list in May then share the names of the ballerinas you’ve select. So, send me your top four names. I’ll send out the pack of ballet note cards the...

Blog Share featuring Madame Gilflurt

Blog Share featuring Madame Gilflurt

Ballet stories across the centuries share success and tragedy in equal measure. Enjoy the guest post from Madame Gilflurt about Danish dancer, Anine Frølich. Imagine how Anine could have impacted ballet if her career hadn’t ended abruptly. But first, a little about Madame Gilflurt. She writes the entertaining blog ‘A Covent Garden Gilflurt’s Guide to Life, a breathless romp through the long 18th century.’ She shares her home with ‘a rakish colonial, a hound, a feline and several rodents of exquisite character. When she is not setting quill to paper for the Guide she can usually be found gadding about the...

Day 5 of 84 : Famous Male Dancers

Day 5 of 84 : Famous Male Dancers

Women get most of the fame. But, a few men stand out as being more than props for lifting and supporting ballerinas. They enter the stage and immediately your attention moves too them. It’s call stage presence for a reason. They move with grace and strength; they defy gravity when they turn, leap and spin to our applause. The top three across the last 120 years are: Vaslav Nijinsky (1890-1950), Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993) and Mikhail Baryshnikov (1948- present). If you have the chance to view any of their dancing online or in person, you will be amazed at their strength,...

Day 2 of 84: Collapse and Comparison

Day 2 of 84: Collapse and Comparison

I didn’t realize how much I’d been doing lately until I took off the day to put my event materials away, find homes for the extra snacks and contact the winners of the drawings. I allowed myself two hours of quiet before I headed out to watch the two Edmonds-Woodway High School chefs that helped me during the Edmonds event perform in their school’s dance team. I was beat from my events but there the two young women were, dancing a number of strenuous routines with so much energy it vibrated of the walls of the gym! Ah, envy for...