What Have Y-O-U Learned This Week?
I’ve learned that:
Writing is a much more complex process than readers imagine and often don’t want to know about.
Every scene has innumerable plot,dialogue, setting possibilities.
I love the parts of the process where I create stories, edit and talk with other writers better than what follows.
I thrive on talking with other writers, sharing ideas and becoming inspired by their spirit.
The more I write, the more I expect from writers who are published; old favorites dim by current standards.
I might take a day off here and there, but I can’t not write!
Let’s compare notes. Send me what you have learned.
I've learned if I take the skeletal structure of a story, and start like so,
Once upon a time
And every day
Until one day
And because of this
And because of this
Until finally
And ever since that day . . .
something magical can happen, a certain alchemy of words that transform into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and a story emerges.
I've also learned that like the British poet, Craig Raine, once wrote: “Great writers arrive among us, like new diseases – threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible.“
May they Long Live.
words, blessed words