Tasman Review Winner
It’s always fun to read what readers think about the books they read, especially when they share their views about my books with me. Last Sunday I drew the third quarter winner of a $20 VISA card. The winner is Karen Bruck, a retired teacher, book clubber, community good neighbor and a Stephen Ministry lay person. She has faithfully written reviews and supported by other publications and I appreciate her taking the time to write a review of Tasman: An Innocent Convict’s Struggle for Freedom. Knowing her thoughts and your thoughts help me as I look forward to future writings.
In August Tasman received second place in the general fiction category in the Hollywood Book Fest. It’s always gratifying when judges decide your book has merit. Writing is a long, heartfelt process. Tasman grew from a visit years ago to the site of the penal colony. It was a story that grabbed my imagination so tightly that I was willing to write about the dark side of that 1850s prison and tried to find a way to show how Ean, a determined young man, might find the strength to keep a kernel of hope alive across his years of imprisonment.
There will be one more VISA drawing, a chance to send me your review before December 31st, 2018. I look forward to hearing from you if I have not already. Please forward your reviews directly to Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com or to me, not to Amazon. Thank you!
Remember to cast your votes for your favorite books at: www.pbsgreatamericanread.comĀ You can see follow-up information Tuesdays (like today), October 2nd, October 9th, October 16th, and the finale on October 23rd at 8 PM on your local PBS station. I hope your favorite book is the finale winner!!
Congratulations on your award in the Hollywood Book Fest. You deserve it. I love Tasman.