NaNoWriMo Events

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s a national non-profit established to encourage writers to sit down and write 1500-2000 words a day in November and produce a rough copy of a novel.

I have resisted it for years but, belonging to a writing organization, I now feel it’s time to join in the fun (many call it agony after a few weeks) and see what happens with my ‘novel’ novel idea. I also felt my organization, EPIC needed to sponsor NaNo events so I became a committee of one and hope to increase that to a committee of 2 or 3 or 4 very soon. (You could volunteer!)

Here are the planned events co-sponsored by the Edmonds library, part of the Sno-Isle Library System (Snohomish and Island cities ):

  • October 15, Tuesday – Let’s Get Started Celebration in the Edmonds Plaza Room from 6:00-7:30
  • November Come Write In sessions – Edmonds Library conference room (varied days and times)
  • December 6, Friday – TGIF: Thank Goodness I’m Finished Celebration in the Edmonds Plaza Room from 5:30-7:00

My hope is that people of all ages and all genres, including teens and poets, travel writers and children’s writers will take up their swords (commonly called pencils, pens or computer keyboards) and write with abandon. That’s my plan! Join me. The only cost is time and ideas.

Event Details below:

October 15th Let’s Get Started Celebration invites you to get info on NaNo, meet with other writers, maybe form NaNo support groups, pick up a packet of NaNo information and share light snacks.

November Come Write In dates and times scheduled for the Edmonds Library Conference Room. These are informal chances to come, sit and write with fellow NaNo writers. Bring you laptop (and a power strip) or paper and pens to spend quiet time away from your normal day’s activities.

  • Nov. 4 (Monday) from 6:00-7:30 PM
  • Nov. 13 (Wednesday) from 10:00-11:30 AM
  • Nov. 19 (Tuesday) from 6:00-7:30 PM
  • Nov. 25 (Monday) from 2:00-3:30 PM

December 6th TGIF Celebration invites you to share your successes and missteps with fellow writers, be present for random drawings for writer-y prizes and light refreshments. (Even if you fail to reach your self-imposed goal, please come and celebrate with us!)

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1 Response

  1. Nancy Jo Jenkins says:

    Wow! What an undertaking! But you can do it. Your dedication to our craft amazes me – you’re my inspiration!