
Writer-y and NaNo Books

Writer-y and NaNo Books

I hope you took advantage of the back-to-school sales just ending. I always look forward to finding new pens and notebooks to refresh my writing times and help get me back into the writing groove. Before NaNoWriMo begins (or as you settle back into fall writing), you might want to ‘shop’ the library and bookstores for books to inspire your writing. Here are a few: On Writing by Stephen King Pencil Dancing by Mari Meisser Elements of Style by Strunk and White Writing Tools: Strategeis for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark The Artists’ Way by Julia Cameron Writing Down...

Activities to Stimulate Writing

Activities to Stimulate Writing

Writers have days filled with ideas and days of quiet with or without desperation. Some days it seems as if ideas flow so fast you can’t get them down on paper or onto your computer. Other days it’s like a desert in your mind where time and ideas are not within reach. For those dry days, here are a few suggestions that might awaken your creative mind or at least take your thinking to different places. Go for a walk, a run or a bike ride in a new location Take a new route home from work Visit a museum,...

NaNoWriMo Events

NaNoWriMo Events

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s a national non-profit established to encourage writers to sit down and write 1500-2000 words a day in November and produce a rough copy of a novel. I have resisted it for years but, belonging to a writing organization, I now feel it’s time to join in the fun (many call it agony after a few weeks) and see what happens with my ‘novel’ novel idea. I also felt my organization, EPIC needed to sponsor NaNo events so I became a committee of one and hope to increase that to a committee of...

Quotes to Ponder

Quotes to Ponder

While these quotes are not specifically related to writing, they carry interesting messages. Enjoy! The real trouble with reality is that there’s no background music. A train station is where the train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. On my desk I have a work station… Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way; wisdom is looking both ways anyway. You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. Real Eyes. Realize. Real Lies. Never be afraid to try something new…An amateur built the ark that lasted forty days and forty nights; professionals...

Writing Directions – What’s Next??

Writing Directions – What’s Next??

Lately writing has been like a slowly circling wind of uncertainty. Maybe it’s because of my spending 15 years glued to my computer chair writing stories, blogs and math games or maybe it’s because the burning stories have been shared and I’m looking for new writing adventures. I’m not feeling nearly as intense about writing as I did over the past two decades. So what’s next for me and writing? I’ve already finished my brief memoir (Small Town Girl). I’ve evaluated my 100+ poems and found those worth saving that I plan to enter into gifted journal books over the...



Nouns share people, places and things important to a story. Verbs show action. Together they form the foundation of any story. Now, think your adjectives. They are like the petals of a flower; they enhance the core of your story by describing the nouns. Too many will drag down the flow of words, make the story droop with their weight; too few will leave a story petal-less, lacking details that allow the reader to paint their own picture and “see” what and where and to whom events are happening. Striking a balance means you share the best descriptive words you...