Write On!

Starting a new book, (book 3 in my series) I’m beginning to get into the rhythm of organizing myself. I know, it took me a long time, but I’ve hit upon a system that works so I’m feeling jazzed! Oh, it’s nothing special, but it works for me. Without it I’m a scattering of note cards, post-its, scraps of paper and articles. I can spin and spin going through my scatter so you can understand why I love my new, old-fashioned planning, a notebook with dividers, collected info, maps, character sketches, plat ideas and blank paper for moments I get inspired.

Did I just feel you cringe? I know, there are programs and software and on and on, but I enjoy having the ability to carry it around with me and add details lone hand. I usually write on the computer, but long-hand creates a different vibe and creates different writing results. It’s kind of like comparing a ‘real book’ to an electronic one; they feel different. So, while you use your sophisticated technology, think of me, hurry-scurrying around, writing in the ferry traffic line, on the couch with my blanket over my legs (even with a power outage) or wherever I take my notebook.

Maybe my fascination with notebooks is because I loved school and learning and carrying around my notebooks. Maybe it’s because I’m old and stuck in my ways. Probably it’s because it works for me.

So, now I’m curious… What works for you when you have a writing project? Am I the only one who’s stuck in ancient school days?

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3 Responses

  1. Nancy Jo Jenkins says:

    No wonder you’re such a terrific writer!!

  2. Behind the Story says:

    I like to start out writing on paper too. I know paper can get lost just as easily as a digital document, but I’m always afraid of losing something in the bowels of my computer because I couldn’t remember what I named it.

  3. Ingeborg says:

    Hi, good reminder to use paper – as I set out to travel to Vietnam in January. Hope you are doing well.