Resolutions for 2015

Be it resolved, I will strive to:

1. Write honestly to entertain my readers as well as myself.

2. Read lots of good and great authors to hone my craft. (Ok, maybe a few just for fun books as well!)

3. Share blog ideas that interest me in hopes it will interest my readers.

4. Take critiques and criticism as they are intended: to improve my writing.

5. Remember to take time for visiting with and sharing cups of teas with my friends.

6. Review books I read so those authors receive sought-after feedback.

7. Volunteer in classrooms.

8. Never give up on suggesting, promoting, and training others to volunteer in schools.

9. Seek help when I’m swamped by the mysteries and overwhelming demands of marketing.

10. Be thankful for good health, great friends and associates, and my family.

11. Keep my imp alive to keep myself young at heart.

What are your resolutions???





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2 Responses

  1. Number 11 is the best———-how true

  2. Behind the Story says:

    A fantastic list! I haven’t made mine yet, but I may refer back to yours for ideas.