
Resolution: a resolve, a declaration, a decision to make a change.

Authors make resolutions every day as they develop and write their character’s lives. True, they are not usually to lose weight or read a certain number of books; they revolve around day-to-day decisions with the intent of moving their stories forward. Will Marta recover from her injury? Will Steve get a job? Will Lynne keep her position with the Intermountain Ballet Company? Will Madame ever explain to Marta or Lynne why she was hard on them? Those are the fun elements in stories that need to be shared before the series ends.

As you read fiction, look for the way authors create situations and how they resolve them. Most try to weave situations together to complicate the character’s lives and keep you reading. That’s their hope, anyway. When we do a good job, we hope you will write comments online that invite others to read our stories. When we disappoint, we hope you will write to us directly and give us feedback. How else will be grow and become better at our craft?



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