February Days to Celebrate
Looking for a reason to celebrate something? Here’s a list to start your thinking and planning.
Have fun! Brighten someone’s life. Go a little crazy. Wite about your ideas!
1 Freedom Day
2 Ground Hog Day
3 15th amendment – Racial Equality Day
4 Rosa Parks Birthday
5 Western Monarch Day
6 Take Your Child to the Library/Girl Scout Cookie Day
7 Super Bowl 50
8 Chinese New Year
9 National Stop Bullying Day/National Pizza Day
10 Umbrella Day
11 Make-A-Friend Day/White Shirt Day
12 Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
13 Get a Different Name Day
14 Valentine’s Day/Hippo Day
15 President’s Day
16 Innovation Day
17 My Way Day
18 Battery Day
19 Chocolate Mint Day/Iwo Jima Day
20 Love-Your-Pet Day/World Day for Social Justice
21 International Mother Language Day/Daytona 500
22 George Washington’s Birthday/World Thinking Day
23 Banana Bread Day
24 Inconvenience Yourself Day
25 Introduce-A-Girl-To-Engineering Day/National Chili Day
26 Tell-A-Fairy-Tale Day/Bacon Day
27 Polar Bear Day/National Day of Action
28 Tooth Fairy Day
29 Leap Year
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