Ways to Support Authors

Author’s are chatty people. I’m no exception. The following  suggestions are ideas on how you can support us as we strive to introduce ourselves to ever-widening circles of readers.

 Invite us to:

* speak at your local bookstore

*  speak at your local library

*  speak at a school in your area

*  join your book club meeting

*  attend a meet and greet in your home or at an informal luncheon

*  speak with a professional organization where you’re a member

We are often available

*  in person

*  via Skype, FaceTime, or other interactive internet resources

You can expect that we will:

*  share information about ourselves

*  share information about our latest book and any previous ones

*  answer questions about writing  and our process

*  bring prizes and surprises

*  personalize/autograph our books

I encourage you to help us in other ways as well:

*  follow and comment on our blogs

*  follow and comment on our social media  (Here are mine:                              )

*  mention our books, blogs, etc. to your friends and suggest they follow us

*  post a review on your social media accounts (Facebook, Goodreads, etc.)

*  send us photos of you and your friends reading our books (to post on our websites and Pinterest)


Got additional ideas? Send them along to me. I’ll add them to this list.

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