
Ask the Writer

Ask the Writer

I’ve written lots about writing in general and about my books and my writings. Now it’s your chance to ask me questions about: my process my writer influences where my ideas come from characters settings future planned works goals and plans beyond writing writing advice etc. I’ll be curious to know what questions you have for me. Either add a comment here or send me an email at and know that I’ll respond in a future blog. Save

Book Trailer for for Ballet Trilogy and Interview with Videographer Emily Hill

Book Trailer for for Ballet Trilogy and Interview with Videographer Emily Hill

Book Trailers are one way authors introduce readers to their books. My dear friend, Emily Hill created a lovely book trailer for my ballet-themed books: 84 Ribbons, When the Music Stops – Dance On, and Letters to Follow – A Dancer’s Adventure. She took my ideas and massaged them into this lovely tribute to ballet. After watching her work, I decided my blog followers might enjoy a peek behind the scenes of how she organized the trailer. Here’s her brief interview. Your book, The Ghost Chaser’s Daughter had an amazing book trailer. When and how did you get started making...

Guest Blog from Judith Works – Bookshelves

Guest Blog from Judith Works – Bookshelves

Edmonds is a great community of artists and authors. One such author is Judith Works. It’s always a pleasure to share her insights and information on her books.  Enjoy! I’m looking at my new “library,” otherwise known as three tall bookshelves in my office. No longer are books spilling out to the floor and only a few are placed sideways on top of other books. That may seem very neat but in fact books are still everywhere – art books piled on the coffee table in the living room, references on a shelf on my desk, books I’m reading on...

5 Easy Ways to Help an Author – Part One

5 Easy Ways to Help an Author – Part One

Have favorite authors? Want to support their writing? Try these ideas:                               Buy and read their book and encourage friends and book groups to read it. Invite the author to speak at your group (live, Skype, etc.) Write a brief review on social media, Amazon, Goodreads, etc. Let the author know what you enjoyed about the story. Recommend the book to appropriate local bookstores, groups, clubs, libraries.

How to Review a Book in 10 Minutes

How to Review a Book in 10 Minutes

Read a good book lately? A new one? One you shared with a friend? Good! I know your friends appreciate hearing about books, but so do the authors of the books you read. You can write a review faster than you can finish reading the rest of this blog!!   What makes a good review? A good review shares your impressions; what you liked about the story and the characters.  How long will it take to write? Budget 5-7 minutes. (You may use the same review on several social media locations.)  How much do I need to write? K.I.S.S –...

New Year Resolution Suggestions

New Year Resolution Suggestions

Resolve to set aside time for yourself to relax and reenergize. Resolve to stay in face-to-face or written contact with the people who are important in your life. Resolve to spend time reading aloud with others. It’s a special joy. Resolve to spend time writing a journal, diary, short story, poem, novel or handwrite letters to friends. Resolve to end each day with an uplifting thought or verse to assure a pleasant night’s sleep. Wishing you a healthy, happy 2017!

Family Read-Aloud

Family Read-Aloud

With the craziness and hype of the holidays and the end of the year, why not kick back, slow things down, take a break, and plan a family read aloud. I remember how excited I’d feel when adults read aloud in my elementary classrooms. It was a party for my ears and my imagination. I’d have loved to be part of a family read aloud, but it never happened in our home. As 2017 slides into view, start a new family tradition. Start a 20-minute read-aloud where everyone gathers to read, listen, and enjoy classic stories, jokes, adventure books, graphic...

Book Clubs

Book Clubs

 If you have the privilege of belonging to a book club, I’m excited for you. My book club is a group of teacher friends. We meet from September until mid-June. Each member takes a month, selects a book and provides a light meal. We use our time to get caught up as well as discuss that month’s book. It’s a joy to have an evening with friends and discover different authors and subjects. We’ve read bios, books in a series, adventure, women’s fiction, children’s books, non-fiction and memoirs. We even read a book on tidying up. (That got mixed reviews.)...

My Reading Style

My Reading Style

I’m always on the lookout to learn about people and their reading habits: when, where and what they read as well as what influences them to select certain books. My When I most often read in the afternoon usually before prepping dinner. I find it relaxing (and hope I don’t get so relaxed I fall asleep!).  My Where My favorite place to read in the living room where I can sit in the rocking chair or on the love seat and watch the birds at the feeder out of the corner of my eye. Usually I also enjoy a cup...

Books I Wish Existed

Ever wish there was a certain book about a certain subject?  You  may search and search and not find the exact thing you want, so think about writing that book yourself! Don’t faint. You can do it! Your local library has resources. Your community probably has writing groups you can join. Community colleges hold auditable classes. Friends may want to join you to write every week or two while you share an afternoon or evening as you talk, enjoy a cup of coffee with a sweet treat, and make plans. Need ways to start? Contact me at and I’ll...