Fun Dates in October

By | September 25, 2016

Every month of the year provides a free calendar of “days” that someone decided needed to be celebrated. Here’s October’s offering (plus a few others I located.)

1 Frugal Fun Day

2 Guardian Angels Day

3  Child Health Day, Techie Day

4  National Taco Day, 10-4 Day

5  National Kale Day, World Teacher’s Day

6  American Libraries Day

7  World Smile Day, National Diversity Day

8  National Pierogy Day

9  National Chess Day

10  Columbus Day, Native American Day

11  International Day of the Girl

12  National Take Your Parents to Work Day

13  World Sight Day

14  World Sight Day

15 I Love Lucy Day, Sweetest Day

16 World Food Day, Dictionary Day

17  Boss Day, National Clean Your Virtual Desk Day


19  Unity Day

20  Spirit Day, Conflict Resolution Day

21  Celebration of the Mind Day

22  Make a Difference Day

23  Mother-in-Law Day, Swallows leave Capistrano Day

24  Food Day, United Nations Day

25  Sourest Day

26  Mule Day

27  Cranky Co-Worker Day

28  Statue of Liberty unveiled, 1886

29  National Forgiveness Day

30  Checklist Day

31 Halloween, UNICEF Day


