5 Hints to Get Students Started on Their Work

By | April 23, 2017

studenthinking2Use these 5 techniques to help students get started on classroom work, small group work AND at home during homework hour:

  • Active Listening

Work with students at their eye level. Establish eye contact. Ask follow-up questions to indicate you know what was said. Develop a habit of valuing all questions asked.

  •  Questioning Strategies

Ask “What” and “Why” questions to engage student thinking and stimulate discussions.  Vary the way you ask questions. Use open questions. In classroom settings call on students randomly.

  •  Wait Time

When leading a group or workingn wiith one studetnt remember to wait at aleast 5-10 seconds before you accept any answers. This allows students additional time to formulate ideas  and develops more thoughtful answers. It also keeps reluctant students engaged by providingthem extra think time.

  • Manage Behavior

Provide a calm setting. Before you start helping a student, ask: “What do you think needs to be done?” Follow a consistent procedure that allows students to share their concerns and frustrations.

  •  Closure

End your activityoor work time with a brief (3-5 minute) review of the tasks being worked on.  Discuss both successes and problems: What went well?   What would you change next time?    Was this quality work?