Student Success: Math Games to the Rescue

By | October 21, 2018

Games are a great way to practice all kinds of skills. You can find professionally boxed games  at toy stores or just pull out a deck of cards and get creative. Here are the 3 other math game resources I find easiest to use with the most direct value.

  1. My website math games. I’ve created dozens of math games appropriate across various grades. Each game uses basic tools and has suggested difficulty levels  (targeted at grades 2-4 but usable for grades 1-6). Check them out:
  2. TeachersPayTeachers website. There’s a full range of teacher-made games and ideas for teachers, tutors, and parents. You may select grade levels and type of math as well as price range: free to purchasable. You’ll find my site and Target Practice game packet there:
  3. Pinterest. Type in your subject choice and enjoy looking at ideas, copying free entries, and purchasing any of hundreds of math games to match your needs.