There are times when groups are finished or changes in the school day causes groups times to move or end with time to spare. When you have free time in the classroom, think about helping by doing teacher-approved jobs. Remember to work quietly and not disturb students close to those areas.
* straighten student work areas currently not in use – library shelves, reading nooks, shared areas, backpack cubbies
* replenish shared supplies (totes with pencils, crayons, glue bottles, etc.)
* wipe down sinks, table tops, work tables
* sort student work and bundle for the teacher/ pass out ‘take home’ papers to student mail boxes
If the students have left the room, you can also sharpen pencils, sweep or vac, wash desk tops and wrk on bulletin boards. Just be certain you have permission from the classroom teacher before you undertake these jobs; some classrooms have student helpers so you don’t want to takeover a student- assigned job.