Monthly Archives: February 2012

Worthy Resources

When I find a great resources it is important to share it with you who are out there, working to educate children. These two are worth your time checking out and possibly purchasing. The Cornerstone: Classroom Management that Makes Teaching More Effective, Efficient and Enjoyable by Angela Powell (Watson) (2009) is a nitty gritty uber-detailed… Read More »

Be Consistent

Consistency is a classroom key to effective management. The consistency of adults enables students to be more incharge of their learning.  When they understand the day-to-day functionings of their classroom, they have more time to focus on learning. Here’s the short list for all groups, class-size to 1:1. It’s an easy routine with built-in signals . Use it consistently… Read More »

Ages and Stages of Thinking

It’s always a good idea to review the various thinking stages wel-before yo begin planning for student groups . The Lawrence Hall of Science skill list works very well for all types of learning. It is based on age appropriate use of seven levels of thinking and questioning skills: Observation Communication Comparison Organization Relationships Inference… Read More »