That’s what it’s all about, independence. As parents, educators and classroom assistants, our goal is to develop independent students. How do we do that?
1. Provide basic skills in language, math, science and other academic subjects.
2. Model positive learning skills: reading directions, making a plan, rethinking ideas.
3. Compliment student steps toward independence. Increase their decision making daily.
4. Model positive communication and personal interaction skills.
5. Allow students ‘space’ to make correctable-by-rethinking-it mistakes.
6. Encouraging student to use open-ended/free-thinking questioning, brainstorming and ‘what if’ comments.
7. Letting them lead us rather than us leading them.
8. Provide opportunity for them to experience a wide range of opinions, locations and people.
Start early. Let young kids select their own color of socks, which way to turn at the corner on a family walk and the bedtime story. Lead by example rather than by expecting kids to follow our physical leadership.