The new Common Core States Standards (CCSS) uses a variety of genre in it efforts to engage students and help them read and think. As you introduce the word ‘genre’ and the various types of genre, consider creating a class chart of the characteristics of the various genre.In doing so, you will also be working with higher levels of thinking skills
1. Begin with the ones the students know: non-fiction, fiction, fairy tales and etc.
2. List the characteristics of each genre that sets them apart (compare and contrast).
3. Read examples of each. (comprehension, application and analysis)
4. Discuss how and why the author develops each type of literature. (analyze, synthesize and evaluate)
5. Discuss the varied uses of the genre to find answers to the questions they are asked to consider.
Build the variety of genre over time, sharing books and articles the students read and use for their discussions in class. The chart will grow and change as the types of writing are discussed and added to the chart. By mid-year the students will be able to evaluate their self-selected reading choices as they relate to the questions they are trying to answer.