The more I work in classrooms, the more I see how much teachers appreciate my time. The truest test is the moment I see the teacher. Invariably I am met with a smile and “I’m so glad you are here.”
Whether the classroom has 20 or 30 students, teachers always find tasks I can assist with for my hour. I read with students, guide math reviews, assist with writer’s workshop, straighten desks, assist Grade 1 with minor computer glitches, help students practice printing their letters, oversee independent student time and on and on. I enjoy the variety and the teachers appreciate the help.
By the time I leave, I feel I’ve contributed to both the students and the teachers. My tasks alone are almost nothing in the grand scheme of educating children, but I feel they demonstrate that it does ‘take a village’. Best of all, I go away knowing I’ve learned something: helping others matters in my life.