When it comes to helping kids get moving, educationally, these concepts are key:
1. Brainstorm. Spend time picking each other’s brains about possibilities or ideas related to a topic. Dont’ limit yourself to practical ideas; go for creative, out-of-the box thinking.
2. Take a stand. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion different from others in your group. Define, defend and delay your final judgement until everyone has shared their ideas. THEN it is time to decide if your belief/opinion is valid. That may include being willing to back down and change your mind, which is also OK.
3. Act on your decision. Talking about your decision is fine, but…actions speak louder than words. When it is appropriate, find a way to act on your opinion that will benefit, support and encourage others lives. “Going the extra mile” takes effort, but it increases the value of what you are thinking by adding an element of doing.