Monthly Archives: November 2016

2 Ideas about Cooperative Learning

In an age of cell phones, social media, and texting we are losing active listening and direct conversations. One way to reestablish those connections in classrooms or in groups is to use an increased amount of cooperative learning. The process may be as simple as Think-Pair-Share or as complex as cooperative learning groups. Both share… Read More »

Free Educational and Family Resources from my Website

Just a reminder. You can find dozens of resources on my website related to teaching, parent issues, volunteer ideas, etc. Go Check out the newsletters, articles and free downloads, then let me know which ones were the most help to you. If there is something you’d like to see on the website and can’t… Read More »

Feedback: Praise and Criticism

Feedback is a two-edged sword: we may hear compliments and/or we may hear criticism. Both are valuable. Sincere praise reassures us that we are on the right track. It sends us forward to brainstorm with new contacts and old. It means we’re contributing to their well-being and encourages us to keep on keeping on, to… Read More »