February Fun Calendar Dates

By | January 29, 2017
  1. littlehouseFreedom
  2. Groundhog’s
  3. Racial Equality
  4. Eat Ice Cream, Rosa Park’s
  5. Weatherman, Western Monarch Butterfly
  6. Frozen Yogurt
  7. Laura Ingalls Wilder , Wave to a Neighbor
  8. Boy Scout, Kite Flying
  9. Stop Bullying
  10. Umbrella Day
  11. White-T-Shirt , Inventors
  12. Abe Lincoln
  13. Clean your Computer, Get a Different Name
  14. valentines-day-heart-and-arrowValentine’s
  15. Gumdrop, Susan B. Anthony
  16. Almond, Do a Grouch a Favor
  17. Random Kindness
  18. Pluto (planet)
  19. Chocolate Mint
  20. President’s, Cherry Pie
  21. Mother Language
  22. Walk the Dog, Be Humble
  23. Tennis, Introduce a Girl to Engineering
  24. mardisgrasTortilla Chip Day
  25. Renoir
  26. Carnival, Tell a Fairy Tale
  27. Polar Bear
  28. Mardi Gras, Tooth Fairy




