Author Archives: Paddy Eger

Class Size An Issue? Here's One Solution

These days, there is little money available for  social programs including education. So what’s to be done to help us reach every student in our care?  Invite assistants into your classroom. Already doing that and still need help? Invite additional assistangs into your classroom. My focus for education across the last twenty years is promoting volunteers in… Read More »

Educating America Companion Workbook Now Available

Looking to invite volunteers into your classrooms? Educating America Workbook, Getting Started: A Teacher’s Planning Guide for Including Adult Assistants is my a new resource and your answer! This a step-by-step approach that will save you hours of planning and organizing. It answers questions you may not have thought to ask yourself! Plus, the forms… Read More »

Parent Reminders

As the school year begins, consider this checklist for working with your school-age children. 1. Chores. Give kids doable, significant chores. Expect those chores be done on time and as completely as possible. 2. Backpacks. Kids can pack, unpack and repack their own backpacks if you show them when, where and how you want it… Read More »

"home" work

A consistent schedule for home and school tasks is a key to establishing life-long work habits. This includes: * setting up meaningful jobs (emptying the trash, setting the table for family meals, feeding pets,carrying dishes to be washed, straightening bed covers, etc.) Individual value increases when all members of the family unit contribute to the family’s… Read More »

Inviting Assistants into Your Classroom Part 2

It’s important to select activities you are comfortable handing over to an assistant. Check out my book , Actively Igniting Your Classroom with 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants, for extensive details on using adult assistants. Then decide: do you see any actitivities as a small group task? a mini-course?  a procurement function? a classroom housekeeping… Read More »

3 Ways of Learning

Learning takes many forms. Each of us have favorite ways of taking in information. The following 3 are common for many students. To reach them, you will need to vary the way you present information so you incorporate more than one way to learn during each activity. Verbal-Linguistic Learners These learners take in information through language. They… Read More »

Workbook Update

Finished! My Educating America Workbook (for teachers wanting to consider inviting adult assistants into their classrooms) is now ready. Next up: determining how to share the workbook ideas in a meaningful way. The workbook contents include: Things to consider before you invite adult into your classrooms Tasks to turn over to assistants Organizational meetings Planning and evaluation… Read More »