Hand-y Writing Work Tips

By | February 11, 2018

Create a poster like the hand to the right as a quick reminder of a short Writing Process:

Rough Draft  (first collecting and organizing of your ideas)

This will include your characters, setting, problem and solution.

Primary Format

  1. Use a folder paper to create 4 squares on one side and 4 on the other  as quick sketches to layout a story. Keep text to a minimum.
  2. Simple layout of information

More Experienced Writers

Use worksheets like these to organize your writing.

Click on the image above to download the PDF files

SUGGESTION: For this early writing phase of your writing, skip lines. This will allow you to make revision as you work through the following step.


Reread you writing and make changes/revisions to make the writing flow.

  1. Check that the writing has a beginning, a middle and a strong ending.
  2. Look for sentences that begin with A-n-d or phrases such as ‘and then’ and X those words out.
  3. Read to be certain you have used the best /strongest **vocabulary, especially nouns, verbs **and adjectives.
  4. Check that you have used writing conventions properly. This includes sentence structure, punctuation, grammar and other conventiions.

Ask a peer to listen as you share your writing and make 1-2 suggestions that will make your writing stronger. After you make further changes move on to the next step.

Write out or Type

With your changes made, it’s time to create a more finished copy to share. Always reread you work before you submit your final copy to become a finished work.


Formally the writing might be read aloud, printed out, etc.

Informally the writing is made available for peers and others to read.


It’s important to receive feedback on what you write. That is the best way to improve your skills.


**These topics will be addressed in future blogs.