Here’s a list of routines and procedures that work for any K-8 group. I suggest you brainstorm with your students to discover and discuss which items you wish to focus on throughout the year. Then create a poster to hang up and periodically share and adjust the list with your class.
- Enter the classroom in an appropriate manner
- Stow backpacks, coats, library books, etc.
- Complete check-in and lunch info procedure.
- Prepare materials for the day: notes to the teacher, turning in homework, sharpening pencils, straighten desk.
- Begin your morning ‘sponge activity’.
- Participate in morning meetings, discussions and etc.
- Work with partners and groups in appropriate ways.
- Settle in to independent work time quickly.
- Respond when called on or when the teacher requests your attention.
- Label all work papers with your name andclass number if appropriate. Focus to complete as much quality work as possible (on your own).
- Know and use approved independent activities when you finish your work early.
- Line up quietly for transitions, leaving your classroom, etc. and move quietly to each new activity
- Ask for help from adults after you have exhausted “3 before me”. Check with three classmates before asking the teacher or adults to assist you.
- Follow emergency procedures in a calm/quiet manner (fire drills, earthquake drills, lock down drills, etc.).
- Use your best behavior throughout the school day.
- Complete your class jobs quietly and thoroughly to hte best of your ability.
- Pay close attention when assignments, homework and groups are announced/discussed
- Take home completed papers and classroom information to your family, Make certain they receive them in a timely manner. Return any notes, and information as needed.
- Complete homework as independently as possible and return in a timely manner.
- Prepare your backpack before bedtime for your return to school. (lunch, money, papers, etc.)